Easter Torture

As a drama director I confess I can fixate on clothes. I love to spend months combing fabric stores, thrift boutiques, and prop closets to assemble costumes that immediately communicate the role I’ve cast each actor to play.

Recently, my grown son reminded me that I had a tendency to take my costuming passion a bit too far, applying that same obsession to his Easter duds. He submitted this photo as proof along with this recent quote from Gordon Keith:


When I was 6, my mother decided to hand-make my Easter outfit. The idea was that she would parade her brown-eyed boy into church on Easter Sunday draped in the irreplaceable finery of maternal love. I would look shiny, new and cherished. But reality answered, and I crossed the threshold of my Sunday school room dressed as an itchy Dust Bowl survivor who enjoyed pastels.”

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who allowed good intentions to permanently scar their children.

About lynnegentry

Wife. Mother. Writer. Acting Coach. Director of Dallas International Performing Arts Academy.
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13 Responses to Easter Torture

  1. J.A.Marx says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha. We need “laugh” buttons on our sites. No, Lynne, you are not alone in the the area of attire torture on children.

  2. What a relief, Julie. What a relief. 🙂

  3. Julie Garmon says:

    Love this!! My girls look back at their Easter pictures and say, “Mom. Seriously. What were you thinking?” If only you could have made them hold hands for the picture. This is precious! Oh, their eyes–just gorgeous, Lynne.

  4. But they match, your little darlings. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? LOL! I dressed my three little boys in leisure suits one Easter. Oh, gracious.

  5. Jana Leasure says:

    Girl, I remember those days so well!!! Just ask Heath about his white shorts suit and pink shirt and bowtie. 🙂 Great memories!!

  6. patriciacarroll says:

    LOL That is a funny one.

    Patricia PacJac Carroll Look > Liberty Belle is on Amazon http://patriciapacjaccarroll.blogspot.com/ Blog on fighting breast cancer http://invasionoftheboobysnatcher.blogspot.com/

  7. Jan says:

    Sheesh, could they look any more like their parents??
    But to answer your concern, I think the outfits are great… My own boys would wish they had looked so cool on Easter, when they were around that age.

  8. Marilyn says:

    One Easter my daughter wore the yellow dotted swiss with the crooked bib yoke. We’ve talked about what I did to scar her. When they become responsible adults, it is a relief.

  9. Sara says:

    I think his smile tells it all. He may act like he hates it now, but he loved it then!

  10. Jim Gordey OC 1988 says:

    You don’t want to see what I was dressed in. Dad gave me his Bible for the picture. I looked like little Lord Faulteroy. I thought that picture got lost. We were looking through some old pictures and my wife said “Who is this?” Ohh! Noooooo!!

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