The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing blog hop is a giant game of tag to help readers discover authors who are new to them. For this hop, authors are answering 10 questions about what we’re working on now. This week, I’m it thanks to my dear, the talented friend Kellie Coates Gilbert. You can read my friend’s interview here, and I hope you’ll consider buying her brilliant new novel, Mother of Pearl.

Here is my Next Big Thing!

1: What is the working title of your book?

I’ve been offered a three-book deal from a major publisher, but until the ink is dry I’m not at liberty to announce the exciting details…and the waiting is killing me.

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?

I’m an avid observer of life, always hungry for an unusual or exotic adventure. Story fragments come to me from the strangest places. An article in the newspaper. A documentary on the History Channel. Eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers. For this story, I took a story idea from a 2008 Dallas Morning News article and an unrelated historical fact my kids were discussing and twisted them together into an epic adventure tale.

3: What genre does your book come under?

I think the poor editors are still wrestling with that question, but probably the closest would be historical.

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I love this question. As a professional acting coach, casting is one of my favorite parts of writing. Before I write a word on a new story, I create extensive character profiles, complete with photos of the characters that I see running around in my head. For my current manuscript, the beautiful Zooey Deschanel won the lead role. A handsome unnamed male model is my hero (I loved his smile…really, his smile is what did it for me).

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

I can’t disclose details yet.

6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?

I’m represented by MacGregor Literary and my agent sold this series to a big publishing house.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I love research. Unfortunately, extensive research can eat up writing time. The first book in this series was nearly done and then it underwent a complete rewrite. The rewrite took six months.

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Readers who love stories packed with high stakes, exotic adventure, and wild romance will love my books.

9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My husband says that if it weren’t for guilt trips I wouldn’t go anywhere. But I love to travel and look forward to the day when I can do more. Visiting the ancient world has become an obsession, but reaching this destination will require a journey of the mind … a skill at which I excel.

Below you will find the authors who will be joining the blog hop next Wednesday. Do be sure to bookmark them and add them to your calendars for updates on WIPs and New Releases! Happy Writing and Reading!

Carla Stewart

Leanna Ellis

About lynnegentry

Wife. Mother. Writer. Acting Coach. Director of Dallas International Performing Arts Academy.
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7 Responses to The Next Big Thing

  1. Julie Garmon says:

    Loved, loved, loved your answers, my friend! Just so dang excited for you!

  2. YAY Lynne, Can’t wait until you can reveal your details. Love your writing.

  3. carlastewartwebsite says:

    High stakes, exotic adventure, and wild romance? Oh Lynne, what am I going to do with you? I’m intrigued and so excited for you, friend!! Thanks for tagging me – I don’t see how I could ever top these answers!

  4. Pingback: The NEXT BIG THING - Carla Stewart

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